About Us

Rochester, NY and surrounding regions

Processed with VSCO with c2 preset

Customer Service Comes First

From the initial consultation to the finishing touches, we strive to serve our customers and exceed their expectations.

What's Beneath the Tile Matters

The finished tile can only be as good as the prep work. Using top of the line products is important to us. We are able to guarantee a finish that will last many years.

A note from the owner

We have been in the business of tile setting for 9 years and it has become a passion of ours. From immaculate prep work, to the meticulous finish, every detail is considered.

Please contact us about your project! I personally work on every project and would love to bring yours into reality.

-Tristan Sakal

Processed with VSCO with c2 preset

Request a Quote

For estimates, please contact us at your convenience. We look forward to talking about your project soon.

Contact us today!
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